Register an account to place your order

Register an account

Why register?

  • Exclusive pricing: Access price information for registered users.
  • Dedicated support: Get personalized service from our dedicated Account Managers.
  • Ordering options: Make your purchases easily and conveniently with one account.

Here's how to register:

  1. Fill in the form: Fill in the form below to start your registration.
  2. Submit your request: Send the completed form to us.
  3. Approval: Our account managers will review and approve your request within 48 hours.
  4. Get notified: We will contact you when your account is ready and you can start ordering.

Don't miss out - register now and start enjoying the benefits!

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General conditions:

Our payment terms are 30 days from the date of invoice unless otherwise stated. After the due date, interest will be charged at the rate of 8% per year.

We prefer payments in the currency SEK, EURO, USD or GBP.