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Cold light source LED 50W

Art. no. 1570

The LED light source is used to illuminate the operating area during minimally invasive surgical procedures in arthroscopy (orthopedic surgery), laparoscopy (general and gynecological surgery) and in endoscopy (general, gastroenterological and ENT surgery). The light is transmitted from the light source through a fiber optic cable and an instrument. This user-friendly LED light source is a highly efficient light source that uses superior state-of-the-art lighting technology.

  • 6 500º K daylight brightness for good color definition
  • Silent operation
  • Long life, 50,000 hours.
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Turret that can be adapted to different types of light guides
  • Pulse width modulation (PWM) electrical dimming system
  • Lamp type: 50 Watt LED
  • 3-year warranty
  • CE marked
  • Approved according to IEC 60601-1


    • Divisional packaging: 1 piece
    • Transport packaging: 1 piece