ARCHIVE: Product sheet and IFU
ComfiKit® Standard is a package with a combination of sterile self-retaining single-use vaginal speculums.
The ComfiKit standard includes;
- 1 pc ComfiSpec® Medium
- 1 pc ComfiSound
- 1 pc Rampley Sponge Holder
- 1 pc Sims Uterine Scissors
- 1 pcs Teales Vulsellum Forcep
- 1 pc ComfGel 5g
Materials for other products see specifications:
D52208 Comfi Sound
D5442 Comfi Gel 5 g
D52201 ComfiSpec Medium
Nitgatan 11
SE-333 33 Smålandsstenar
Tel: +46 (0)371 330 30
Fax: +46 (0)371 330 31