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Multi-Ligator PLUS

Art. no. H1002

This disposable Multi-Ligator makes it easier to perform rubber ligations of hemorrhoids.

The Multi-Ligator PLUS is loaded with four latex-free rubber bands, which makes it very easy as no new bands need to be fitted. Hold the trigger halfway to activate the suction and then press all the way in to apply the band, release the trigger to release the suction and hemorrhoid. This new updated Multi-Ligator PLUS has slightly stronger rubber bands, a transparent head at the front for better visibility and a handle with a frosted surface to know when suction starts.

  • Disposable
  • Easy to use, can be operated by one person
  • Fast, a treatment can take less than 5 minutes
  • Ready to use, no need to recharge with the
    new rubber bands
  • Reduced pain for the patient
  • New transparent head at the front
  • Better visibility
  • Slightly stronger rubber band
  • Better precision, the design facilitates a
    correct application
  • Cost-effective


    • Divisional packaging: 10 pieces