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Art. no. 1361

PeriSpec is a single-use, self-retaining vaginal speculum made of environmentally friendly plastic.

ARCHIVE: Product sheet and IFU/Instruction for use

The instrument is two-piece with anatomically shaped spoons, which provides the following benefits:

  • Variable management - exible introduction of speculums
  • Further inspection fields
  • Larger processing and sampling area
  • Improved diagnostic capabilities
  • Less opportunity for the labia and vaginal walls to fall in and obscure the field of vision.
  • The ductility of PeriSpec makes it easy to rotate a quarter turn.
  • Simple and secure locking in your steps
  • Easy to grip
  • A gentle examination for women


  • Divisional packaging: 25 pieces
  • Transport packaging: 100 pcs
  • Pallet quantity: 2000 pieces