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VagiSpec® is a single-use angular speculum.

Available in 2 variants, white and transparent in sizes Small, Medium and Large.

VagiSpec® is a disposable angular speculum. Available in 2 variants, white and transparent in sizes Small, Medium, Large. Using a two-piece speculum in medical examinations, especially gynecological ones, has several advantages:
- Because a two-piece speculum has separate parts for opening and holding the opening, the doctor can adjust the opening to the patient's anatomical needs and comfort level.
- The adjustable opening allows for better visibility for the doctor, which can be crucial in detecting any abnormalities or problems.
- Since the speculum can be opened gradually and customized, it can be easier to insert compared to a single unit. In conclusion, a two-piece speculum can offer both patients and doctors a better and more customizable experience during gynecological examinations.

  • Stable construction
  • Different widths of spatulas
  • Easy to grip
  • Smooth surfaces and gently rounded corners
  • Can be used advantageously in combination with Vagipress 1412/1422, as the notch in the depressor is threaded over the side edge of the speculum, allowing both instruments to be operated with one hand.
  • To have two hands free, put the Vagipress on the edge of the Vagispec so that it is stuck there.



Divisional packaging: 25 pcs, 200 pcs, 150 pcs