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WEGAA® CTG 2-pack

Art. no. 9610-2

The disposable CTG strap is 1.4 m long and has an extra button.

Disposable CTG strap is 1.4 m long and has an extra button. Supplied in a 2-pack of 1 blue and 1 pink band. Disposable CTG bands are made in different colors to facilitate identification and matching when applied around the mother's abdomen. Having two colors can be handy to avoid confusion and ensure proper placement of the sensors to measure fetal heart rate and uterine contractions. This can help ensure accurate monitoring and diagnostics during pregnancy and delivery.

  • Elastic
  • 60 mm wide
  • Disposable
  • 2 ribbons in 1 package (1 blue and 1 pink)


  • Divisional packaging: 50 pairs
  • Transport packaging: 50 pairs