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Hegenberger Retractor

Art. no. A1390

The Hegenberger Retractor® is a sterile, disposable plastic device for postpartum diagnosis and suturing. The ergonomic design makes treatment intuitive and minimizes patient discomfort.

Hegenberger Retractor® provides a clear view of the work area and stays in place automatically, freeing your hands for suturing and eliminating the need for an assistant to keep the area open.

Hegenberger Retractor® can be positioned upright for suturing posterior vaginal wounds or angled for suturing lateral wounds or episiotomies.

Supplied in sterile packaging.

Do not use product with Glidgel. For best results, use a compress or tampon to absorb blood or excess fluid.

  • Free unobstructed view of the suturing area
  • Higher quality of suturing
  • Reduces the patient's stress level
  • Reduces the need for re-suturing
  • Faster suturing time
  • No restricted posture during suturing
  • Reduces the need for staff per suture
  • Reduced risk of needlestick injuries


    • Divisional packaging: 10 pieces
    • Transport packaging: 40 pcs
    • Pallet quantity: 800 pieces