In surgery, there is no room for substandard tools. Here you will find solidly constructed and easy-to-grip tools that cause minimal discomfort to the patient.
Art. no. 1521
Art. no. 1531
Art. no. 1522
Art. no. 1524
Art. no. 1522-L
Art. no. 1511
Art. no. 1541
Art. no. 1542
Art. no. 1551
Art. no. 1561
Art. no. 1561-1 R53901 800099
Art. no. H1002
Art. no. 1564
Art. no. 1564H
Art. no. 1564X-VRID
Art. no. 1528B
Art. no. 1527
Art. no. 1528
Art. no. 1528H
Art. no. 1529
Art. no. 1571
Art. no. 1571-L 1576
Art. no. 1575
Art. no. 1581
Art. no. 1582
Art. no. 1583
Art. no. 1584
Art. no. 1585
Art. no. 1586
Art. no. 1587
Art. no. 1594
Art. no. 1595
Art. no. 1599
Art. no. 1593
Art. no. 1562
Art. no. 1563
Art. no. 1566
Nitgatan 11
SE-333 33 Smålandsstenar
Tel: +46 (0)371 330 30
Fax: +46 (0)371 330 31