Cetro Medical’s Green Vision: Jeremias Dieck on Driving Sustainable Change
In a world increasingly demanding eco-conscious practices, Cetro Medical is aiming to be one step ahead in the healthcare industry.
Case Study: Rapid Installation of Pasteuriser at Skövde Hospital
Skaraborg Hospital Skövde faced an urgent challenge when their pasteuriser machine broke down. Here’s how Cetro solved the problem – in just 10 days.
Ensuring Patient Safety: Cetro’s Commitment to Quality and Risk Management
Find out how Cetro Medical works to support healthcare professionals in supporting the highest quality care and patient safety.
Läkemedelsverket satsar på AI för bättre läkemedelsbeslut i svensk sjukvård
Nytt AI-verktyg från Läkemedelsverket ska hjälpa läkare inom vården att fatta bättre beslut om läkemedelsanvändning.
Challenges In Healthcare: A Midwife’s Perspective
Cetro Medicals kliniska expert, barnmorskan Malin, reder ut några av vårdens rådande utmaningar – och hur man kan komma tillrätta med dem.
5 Things To Consider When Choosing PPE Products
In healthcare, we face a number of challenges every day, and one of the most important is protecting both patients and staff. The right protective equipment and disposable products (PPE) play a crucial role in this, but with a variety of options on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start. To […]